The mis­si­on

Impact investor & ESG thought leader

We focus on impact rela­ted invest­ments and lea­ding advi­so­ry expe­ri­ence in the ESG field. This makes Neon Equi­ty the per­fect part­ner for any impact-rela­ted IPO or finan­cing pro­ject.

Full service IPO & financing solutions

Neon Equi­ty sup­ports gro­wing busi­nesses from future indus­tries like AI, mobi­li­ty, nut­ri­ti­on, uti­li­ties, or health­ca­re on the path to a suc­cessful IPO or rai­se. We act as an anchor inves­tor and offer access to growth capi­tal via our estab­lished part­ner net­work.

Targeting +20 billion EUR investment volume

Until 2023 Neon Equi­ty has suc­cessful­ly con­cluded capi­tal mar­ket tran­sac­tions worth over 5 bil­li­on EUR. By 2026 NEON Equi­ty tar­gets over 20 bil­li­on EUR in SDG 17 rela­ted invest­ments across IPO pla­ce­ments, con­ver­ti­ble bonds, and capi­tal rai­ses.

German heritage, global reach

We offer pla­ce­ments and capi­tal rai­se sup­port in core mar­kets like the EU, UK, US, Midd­le East or Sin­ga­po­re. Neon Equi­ty ope­ra­ti­on stretch across five glo­bal hubs led from the cor­po­ra­te HQ in Frank­furt am Main, Ger­ma­ny.

NEON EQUITY completes new appointments to the Supervisory Board - Jörg Wisotzki becomes new member Mehr erfahren

By 2026 glo­bal invest­ments in ESG rela­ted busi­nesses will increase to a total of 47 tril­li­on USD, lea­ding to 21% of glo­bal AUM allo­ca­ted in the ESG sec­tor. Only in 2021 ESG and impact rela­ted AUM rose by 50% YOY. Near­ly nine in ten insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors belie­ve that asset mana­gers should be more proac­ti­ve in deve­lo­ping new ESG pro­ducts. Howe­ver, only 45% of AM are plan­ning to launch new ESG funds in the near future. (Source: Neon Equi­ty capi­tal mar­kets rese­arch team)

Neon Equi­ty as a lea­ding pro­vi­der of IPO & growth finan­cial solu­ti­ons fills this gap bet­ween fast-gro­wing ESG busi­nesses and invest­ment capi­tal.

Our mis­si­on is to con­nect impact busi­nesses & the glo­bal capi­tal mar­kets to sup­port inno­va­ti­on and rea­li­ze sus­tainable returns for our inves­tors.

Rou­te to 20Bn Eur

Until 2023, Neon Equi­ty suc­cessful­ly con­cluded capi­tal tran­sac­tions worth over 5 BIL­LI­ON EUR, via IPO fun­ding, con­ver­ti­ble bonds, and capi­tal rai­ses.

By 2026, Neon Equi­ty tar­gets a total of over 20 bil­li­on EUR of suc­cessful capi­tal mar­ket tran­sac­tions with the majo­ri­ty coming from impact-rela­ted invest­ments. Strong access to pro­mi­sing impact busi­nesses, a pro­ven go-to-mar­ket approach, and an expan­si­ve part­ner net­work crea­te a com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge and help Neon Equi­ty to out­per­form the mar­ket.

Sel­ec­tion of our Port­fo­lio Busi­nesses:">

Finan­cing Pha­se 1

Deve­lo­p­ment of resi­li­ent and sus­tainable capi­tal mar­ket con­cepts and access to Neon Equi­ty­’s com­mu­ni­ty of finan­ce part­ners, pre-IPO plat­forms, and inves­tors. Neon Equi­ty coor­di­na­tes the pro­cess and con­sults throug­hout public lis­tings & IPO trans­ca­ti­on and poten­ti­al­ly ope­ra­tes as anchor inves­tor.



Finan­cing Pha­se 2

Opti­miza­ti­on of growth finan­cing pro­ces­ses and sales pro­ces­ses during capi­tal mar­kets mea­su­res, con­sul­ting throug­hout the ana­ly­sis and expan­si­on of port­fo­lio stra­tegy of invest­ment firms (incl M&A pro­ces­ses) and Co-lis­ting of EU-lis­ted com­pa­nies at inter­na­tio­nal stock mar­kets like Abu Dha­bi, Lon­don, or New York.



Con­sul­ting busi­nesses On their IPO PATH VIA

Inno­va­ti­on / Digi­tiza­ti­on / Trans­for­ma­ti­on / Imple­men­ta­ti­on of ESG rela­ted mea­su­res in cor­po­ra­te stra­tegy / Stra­te­gic plan­ning / Ope­ra­ti­ons – and per­for­mance pro­ces­ses / Expan­si­on of glo­bal sup­p­ly chains / Mar­ke­ting & sales / HR & orga­niza­ti­on / Cor­po­ra­te finan­ce / M&A pro­ces­ses



Ole Nixdorff Executive Board

Cor­po­ra­te finan­ce & capi­tal mar­kets expert
Suc­cessful track record in capi­tal mar­ket tran­sac­tions
For­mer exe­cu­ti­ve manage­ment con­sul­tant

ANCHO­RED In Ger­ma­ny

With glo­bal reach

Neon Equi­ty­’s cor­po­ra­te ope­ra­ti­ons are ancho­red in Frank­furt am Main, Ger­ma­ny. Our strong HQ set­up and glo­bal repre­sen­ta­ti­on across five major hubs allows deep access to key capi­tal mar­kets and growth regi­ons as well as effec­ti­ve trend moni­to­ring and net­work ope­ra­ti­ons to pro­vi­de opti­mal covera­ge for both port­fo­lio busi­nesses and inves­tors.

Fran­furt | Glo­bal HQ
Abu Dha­bi