Neon Equity AG: Invitation to the Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2023

Frankfurt am Main, April 3, 2023 - Neon Equity AG (Neon Equity; ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a founder-led investor and growth enabler, invites to its first Annual General Meeting on May 10, 2023 at 11 am. The agenda includes the resolution proposed by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board on a capital increase from company funds of EUR 40,050,100.00 by EUR 4,005,010.00 to EUR 44,055,110.00 by converting retained earnings into share capital. The capital increase is to be implemented by issuing 4,005,010 new registered no-par value shares with a notional interest in the share capital of EUR 1.00 per share (so-called bonus shares). The bonus shares, which will carry dividend rights from January 1, 2023, are to be allocated to the shareholders at a ratio of 10:1, so that there will be one new no-par value share for every 10 existing no-par value shares.
Furthermore, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board propose to the Annual General Meeting, among other things, that the unappropriated profit for the financial year 2022 in the amount of EUR 200,811,446.00 be carried forward in full to new account.
The invitation to the Annual General Meeting and further related documents are available at
After the company already announced the preliminary figures on January 27, 2023, the audited financial statements for 2022 are now available for download on the website:
According to HGB accounting, EBIT amounts to 9.2 million euros and profit before tax to 12.9 million euros, thus exceeding the preliminary figure reported.
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