NEON EQUI­TY AG diver­si­fies port­fo­lio and plans to increase sta­ke in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Tec

  • Expan­si­on of sta­ke in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Tec AG to up to 10%
  • Lis­ted Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin manu­fac­tures high-tech suits with inte­gra­ted EMS devices for fit­ness and health appli­ca­ti­ons
  • Pro­mi­sing growth pro­s­pects for Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin: inclu­ding suc­cessful acqui­si­ti­on of an EMS stu­dio ope­ra­tor and deve­lo­p­ment part­ner­ship with inter­na­tio­nal auto­mo­bi­le manu­fac­tu­rer

Frank­furt am Main, May 08, 2023 - NEON EQUI­TY AG (NEON EQUI­TY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a foun­der-led inves­tor and growth enabler, has agreed with Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Tec AG to expand its exis­ting 3.7% sta­ke to up to 10% by the end of the fourth quar­ter of 2023. Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin’s shares are traded on the m:access mid-mar­ket seg­ment of the Munich Stock Exch­an­ge and on other Ger­man stock exch­an­ges.

Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin spe­cia­li­zes as the smal­lest gym in the world” in the deve­lo­p­ment and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of EMS trai­ning sys­tems for fit­ness and health appli­ca­ti­ons. EMS devices are built into a spe­cial suit made of high-tech fibers deve­lo­ped by medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals and enable fle­xi­ble trai­ning regard­less of loca­ti­on. The EMS device sti­mu­la­tes the mus­cles through elec­tri­cal impul­ses and thus pro­mo­tes, among other things, mus­cle strength, mobi­li­ty and mus­cle rege­ne­ra­ti­on.

In the cour­se of pushing growth, Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin acqui­red Body Club 24 GmbH, an ope­ra­tor of bou­tique EMS stu­di­os, a few weeks ago. The stu­dio ope­ra­tor now ope­ra­tes under the name Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Body­Club and has been working with the Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin trai­ning sys­tem sin­ce its incep­ti­on. Easy­M­o­ti­on Skin will con­ti­nue to be the sys­tem sup­pli­er of the fran­chise stu­dio ope­ra­tor and will fur­ther expand its tech­no­lo­gy lea­der­ship with the acqui­si­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin is working on the con­ti­nuous fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of its pro­duct and last year ente­red into a deve­lo­p­ment part­ner­ship with an inter­na­tio­nal auto­mo­bi­le manu­fac­tu­rer. Pro­mi­nent cus­to­mers of the Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin suit include Ger­man astro­naut Mat­thi­as Mau­rer, who used the EMS suit for trai­ning and health pur­po­ses during the ISS expe­di­ti­on Cos­mic Kiss” in 2021.

Tho­mas Olek, CEO and foun­der of NEON EQUI­TY, said, Health and fit­ness appli­ca­ti­ons are in high demand across all indus­tria­li­zed nati­ons, which is why we will con­ti­nue to increase our invest­ment in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin. The latest deve­lo­p­ments at Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin show that the com­pany’s growth pro­s­pects are very pro­mi­sing. By offe­ring a meaningful pro­duct in the health­ca­re sec­tor, the com­pa­ny also per­fect­ly meets our sus­taina­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments.”

NEON EQUI­TY con­ti­nues to plan the diver­si­fied expan­si­on of its port­fo­lio and has just recent­ly acqui­red a sta­ke of around 9% in the lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal pho­to agen­cy action press. The value of the NEON EQUI­TY port­fo­lio is to be expan­ded to EUR 400 mil­li­on in the medi­um term.

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Media Rela­ti­ons

edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Sven­ja Lie­big
+49 69 90550 5-50