Annual General Meeting unanimously approves all agenda items / Issue of bonus shares resolved

Frankfurt am Main, May 11, 2023 - The shareholders of NEON EQUITY AG (NEON EQUITY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a founder-managed investor and growth enabler, approved all agenda items with 100 percent of the valid votes at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting.
Among other things, it was decided to implement a capital increase from company funds of EUR 40,050,100.00 by EUR 4,005,010.00 to EUR 44,055,110.00 by converting retained earnings into share capital. The capital increase is to be effected by issuing 4,005,010 new registered no-par value shares with a notional interest in the share capital of EUR 1.00 per share (so-called bonus shares). The bonus shares, which will be entitled to participate in profits from January 1, 2023, are to be allocated to the shareholders at a ratio of 10:1, so that there will be one new no-par value share for every 10 existing no-par value shares.
Furthermore, Frank Baruth (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Hansjörg Plaggemars (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board) and Michael Huttner were again elected to the Supervisory Board until 2027 at the Annual General Meeting. A total of 60.07 percent of the share capital was represented at the Annual General Meeting of NEON EQUITY.
The detailed voting results can be found here:
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