NEON EQUI­TY AG dri­ves the inter­na­tio­na­liza­ti­on of its busi­ness by ope­ning offices in Lon­don, Dubai, Miami and Sin­ga­po­re

Frank­furt am Main, August 01, 2023 - NEON EQUI­TY AG (NEON EQUI­TY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a foun­der-led inves­tor and growth enabler, is pushing ahead with its inter­na­tio­nal growth stra­tegy. The com­pa­ny will be ope­ning offices in the metro­po­li­tan are­as of Dubai, Lon­don and Miami by the end of 2023 and expan­ding to the Far East by 2024, with a loca­ti­on in Sin­ga­po­re. Appro­pria­te expe­ri­en­ced staff for the respec­ti­ve cities are busy with the deve­lo­p­ment of the NEON EQUI­TY infra­struc­tu­re.

With its inter­na­tio­nal loca­ti­ons, NEON EQUI­TY is gai­ning fur­ther access to cus­to­mers in the fast-gro­wing ESG mar­kets whilst expan­ding its part­ner net­work. In the future NEON EQUI­TY will be direct­ly acti­ve in the eco­no­mic­al­ly stron­gest regi­ons world­wi­de.

Tho­mas Olek, CEO and foun­der of NEON EQUI­TY: With offices ope­ning in Lon­don, Dubai, Miami and Sin­ga­po­re, we are taking an important step in not only offe­ring our ser­vices world­wi­de, but also in being able to sup­port cus­to­mers and part­ners direct­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly on site. With our focus firm­ly on ESG issues, the four metro­po­li­ses are important busi­ness loca­ti­ons and open up signi­fi­cant new growth poten­ti­al for us in the area of impact inves­t­ing.”


NEON EQUI­TY AG invests in ESG com­pli­ant com­pa­nies with high growth oppor­tu­ni­ties in future indus­tries such as AI, mobi­li­ty, nut­ri­ti­on, health and ener­gy and accom­pa­nies them in suc­cessful IPOs. In doing so, NEON EQUI­TY is one of the lea­ding pro­vi­ders in advi­sing IPOs and capi­tal mar­ket tran­sac­tions and con­nects fast-gro­­wing ESG com­pa­nies with inter­na­tio­nal insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors. NEON EQUI­TY thus pur­sues a sus­tainable and stock mar­ket rele­vant stra­tegy and advi­ses its port­fo­lio part­ners inde­pendent­ly of banks on all capi­tal mar­ket instru­ments.

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Media Rela­ti­ons

edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Sven­ja Lie­big
+49 69 90550 5-50