NEON EQUI­TY AG fur­ther increa­ses sta­ke in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Tec to 7.9 %

Frank­furt am Main, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023 - NEON EQUI­TY AG (NEON EQUI­TY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a foun­der-led inves­tor and growth enabler, has increased its sta­ke in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin Tec AG from 3.7% so far to 7.9% in line with its stra­tegy. By the end of the year, the sta­ke is expec­ted to increase to 10% as plan­ned. Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin, which is lis­ted on the Munich stock exch­an­ge, manu­fac­tures high-tech suits with inte­gra­ted EMS devices for fit­ness and health appli­ca­ti­ons. Most recent­ly, Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin ente­red into a suc­cessful exclu­si­ve part­ner­ship with Remed­iCool, a spe­cia­list in high-per­for­mance cold cham­bers and deve­lo­per of cryo-sys­tem soft­ware. Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin thus focu­ses on the cold cham­ber trend and gains new cus­to­mer poten­ti­al as well as addi­tio­nal sales oppor­tu­ni­ties in the DACH regi­on through this coope­ra­ti­on.

Tho­mas Olek, CEO and foun­der of NEON EQUI­TY: We are plea­sed that we were able to fur­ther increase our sta­ke in Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin as plan­ned. We con­ti­nue to be con­vin­ced of the com­pany’s busi­ness model. The fact that Easy­M­o­ti­onS­kin ser­ves a stron­gly gro­wing mar­ket with its fit­ness and health appli­ca­ti­ons is under­pin­ned by the recent coope­ra­ti­on with Remed­iCool. The com­pa­ny is also an ide­al fit for our impact inves­t­ing stra­tegy, as health and well­ness play a major role in ESG.”

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Media Rela­ti­ons

edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Sven­ja Lie­big
+49 69 90550 5-50