NEON EQUI­TY AG Con­cludes Coope­ra­ti­on Agree­ment with Digi­tal Plat­form PreI­PO

Frank­furt am Main, August 23, 2023 - NEON EQUI­TY AG (NEON EQUI­TY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a foun­der-led inves­tor and growth enabler, has ente­red into a coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment with the US-based plat­form PREI​PO​.com (“PreI­PO”). PreI­PO pro­vi­des pre-IPO invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in high-growth com­pa­nies on its high­ly digi­tal and decen­tra­li­zed tech­no­lo­gy plat­form. PreI­PO crea­tes a digi­tal eco­sys­tem that con­nects com­pa­nies in the pre-IPO pha­se, i.e. the pha­se befo­re going public, with pro­fes­sio­nal inves­tors, thus dri­ving the demo­cra­tiza­ti­on of finan­cial mar­kets. Under the coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment, the two part­ners have deci­ded to make their respec­ti­ve exis­ting net­works available to the other in order to gain access to poten­ti­al cus­to­mers and invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, among other things.

Tho­mas Olek, CEO and foun­der of NEON EQUI­TY: The coope­ra­ti­on with PreI­PO gives us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to acqui­re high-growth com­pa­nies in the pre-IPO pha­se as poten­ti­al cus­to­mers with inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness models. The coope­ra­ti­on also gives our cli­ents the oppor­tu­ni­ty for pre-IPO finan­cing and access to attrac­ti­ve new inves­tors. PreI­PO’s decen­tra­li­zed, glo­bal plat­form allows us to secu­re invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties world­wi­de. ”