NEON EQUI­TY AG sup­ports inter­na­tio­nal core fusi­on com­pa­ny ALPHA RING in growth finan­cing

  • ALPHA RING is focu­sed on CO2-neu­tral power gene­ra­ti­on by nuclear fusi­on

  • Pro­to­ty­pe deve­lo­p­ment of a 10kW micro nuclear fusi­on reac­tor

  • Exten­si­ve finan­cing round plan­ned

Frank­furt am Main, Octo­ber 26, 2023 - NEON EQUI­TY AG (NEON EQUI­TY ISIN: DE000A3DW408), a foun­der-led inves­tor and growth enabler, advi­ses the inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve ener­gy tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny ALPHA RING on its growth finan­cing and on crea­ting increased awa­re­ness in Euro­pe. A cor­re­spon­ding agree­ment has now been signed. The first sub­stan­ti­al finan­cing round is expec­ted to be com­ple­ted by the end of the first half of 2024. NEON EQUI­TY will pre­sent ALPHA RING its inter­na­tio­nal inves­tor net­work with a focus on impact inves­t­ing and estab­lish cor­re­spon­ding cont­acts. Fur­ther finan­cing rounds are to fol­low in the sub­se­quent quar­ters.

ALPHA RING is an inno­va­ti­ve start-up spe­cia­li­zing in the rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment and design of micro sys­tems for the use of cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly ener­gy tech­no­lo­gies. The com­pany’s focus is on the expan­si­on of CO2-neu­tral ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on through nuclear fusi­on tech­no­lo­gy in order to dri­ve the glo­bal ener­gy tran­si­ti­on. ALPHA RING is curr­ent­ly deve­lo­ping a paten­ted pro­to­ty­pe 10kW micro nuclear fusi­on reac­tor and plans to pro­du­ce and launch the micro reac­tor in 2027. In total, ALPHA RING holds 26 patents in the field of nuclear fusi­on tech­no­lo­gy. The inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­ny is working clo­se­ly with the renow­ned Natio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Tai­wan. The high-cali­ber manage­ment team includes high-pro­fi­le mana­gers and renow­ned sci­en­tists, inclu­ding US 3D deve­lo­per and for­mer Auto­desk CEO Carl Bass.

As part of the coope­ra­ti­on, the two com­pa­nies will also exch­an­ge infor­ma­ti­on inten­si­ve­ly and con­ti­nuous­ly on attrac­ti­ve invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. NEON EQUI­TY will bene­fit in par­ti­cu­lar from the tech­no­lo­gy know-how and expert net­work of the growth com­pa­ny.

Tho­mas Olek, CEO and foun­der of NEON EQUI­TY: ALPHA RING fits per­fect­ly into our pro­fi­le for con­sul­ting and coope­ra­ti­on part­ners. The com­pa­ny is excel­lent­ly posi­tio­ned in the pro­mi­sing future mar­ket of fusi­on ener­gy and can thus make a major con­tri­bu­ti­on to CO2-neu­tral ener­gy pro­duc­tion. We are very hap­py to sup­port such busi­ness models.”

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Media Rela­ti­ons

edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Sven­ja Lie­big
+49 69 90550 5-50