NEON EQUI­TY: Suc­cessful kick-off for IIF Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum / Next IIF in 2025 and inter­na­tio­nal roll-out

    • More than 250 guests and top-class spea­k­ers from the indus­try, poli­tics, sci­ence and com­pa­ny repre­sen­ta­ti­ves
    • Key notes, dis­cus­sions and net­wor­king on impact inves­t­ing
    • Impact inves­t­ing com­bi­nes eco­no­mic returns and mea­sura­ble, posi­ti­ve effects for the envi­ron­ment and socie­ty

Frank­furt, Octo­ber 11, 2024 - The first IIF Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum in Frank­furt has come to a suc­cessful clo­se. More than 250 guests and top-class spea­k­ers from the indus­try, poli­tics, sci­ence and num­e­rous com­pa­ny repre­sen­ta­ti­ves exch­an­ged views on cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments, chal­lenges and pro­jects in the field of impact inves­t­ing, thus laun­ching a new forum for the invest­ment style that aims to com­bi­ne eco­no­mic returns with mea­sura­ble posi­ti­ve effects for the envi­ron­ment and socie­ty.

Ole Nix­dorff, CEO of the orga­ni­zer NEON EQUI­TY AG, draws a posi­ti­ve con­clu­si­on: We are over­whel­med by the posi­ti­ve respon­se to the IIF and look back on an event full of new impul­ses, dis­cus­sions and exch­an­ge on chal­lenges and per­spec­ti­ves in impact inves­t­ing. The IIF real­ly was a mee­ting place for the impact inves­t­ing com­mu­ni­ty, espe­ci­al­ly from Ger­man-spea­king count­ries. The posi­ti­ve feed­back is an incen­ti­ve for us to make the Inter­na­tio­nal Impact Forum even broa­der and more inter­na­tio­nal in the coming years.”

Impact experts on board at the cur­rent IIF 2024 included Prof. Oth­mar Karas, for­mer first vice pre­si­dent of the EU Par­lia­ment, Anna Herr­hau­sen, board mem­ber at PHI­NEO, Prof. Ana­bel Ter­nés, impact expert, and ten­nis pro Domi­nic Thiem. Inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies with a strong focus on impact also pre­sen­ted at the NEON EQUI­TY event, such as the health solu­ti­ons group Easy­M­o­ti­on Tec, the par­king gara­ge tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny Eco­Mo­ti­on and the indoor gar­dening com­pa­ny gree­ny+.

The IIF par­ti­ci­pan­ts agreed that the invest­ment style must be given incre­asing importance against the back­drop of glo­bal envi­ron­men­tal and social chal­lenges. Espe­ci­al­ly against the back­drop of cli­ma­te chan­ge, eco­no­mic­al­ly sen­si­ble and pro­fi­ta­ble invest­ments are urgen­tly nee­ded in order to coun­ter­act glo­bal warm­ing quick­ly and effec­tively. It was repea­ted­ly empha­si­zed that fur­ther efforts are nee­ded to fur­ther impro­ve the mea­su­ra­bi­li­ty of the posi­ti­ve effects of impact inves­t­ing and thus ensu­re an opti­mal allo­ca­ti­on of resour­ces. At the same time, a clo­se inter­lin­king of busi­ness, inves­tors and poli­tics is neces­sa­ry.

It is cer­tain that the IIF 2025 will be con­tin­ued in Frank­furt am Main. As initia­tor and orga­ni­zer, NEON EQUI­TY is also working on the inter­na­tio­na­liza­ti­on of the forum and is plan­ning IIFs at other loca­ti­ons in Euro­pe and bey­ond.

Ole Nix­dorff, CEO of NEON EQUI­TY: Impact inves­t­ing is too important and too glo­bal for us to limit the IIF to Ger­ma­ny alo­ne; we are loo­king for­ward to the new edi­ti­on in Frank­furt next year, but also want to beco­me more inter­na­tio­nal.” Pho­tos and video foo­ta­ge of the pre­vious event will soon be available on the IIF web­site at https://​inter​na​tio​nalim​pact​fo​rum​.com.

Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons and Media Rela­ti­ons

edic­to GmbH
Axel Mühl­haus / Sven­ja Lie­big
+49 69 90550 5-50